Tuesday 6 September 2016

Why I choose nursing is a question I get asked quite often and here I explain why. It took me longer than some to figure out my career choice and I finally found my calling. No matter what, I will always choose nursing.
Why I Chose Nursing

I am sure every nurse and nursing student can assume the question I am about to answer. “Why nursing?” is a question we get asked quite often, and for a while, it was a question I really had to think about how to answer. There are so many ways you can answer this question, and whenever I am asked it, I try to think about the reason that makes me so passionate about this healthcare profession.

The nursing profession is all-around incredible. From the science and research aspect of the field to holding someone’s hand at their bedside, there is nothing about this career that does not leave me fascinated. You never know what is going to come through the door every day because there is always something new. There are tons of specialties you can explore, too. Nursing is always in high demand and you are pretty much guaranteed job security. You can find a job anywhere you go, and the salary is pretty decent; however, nursing is much more than wearing cool scrubs, using a stethoscope, and receiving great pay. Here is the answer to the question I am dying to answer.

I was not following the footsteps of someone, but rather came to the realization that nursing would be the perfect profession for me. I did not choose nursing because of the salary or because “it is easy.” I did not choose nursing because pre-med is too hard, because in reality, I could be a doctor if I really wanted to be. Nursing is a difficult program and profession, too. There will be days that leave nurses drained, exhausted and broken, but there are also days that leave nurses joyful, excited and proud of their patients and work. So, what exactly drew me into this career?

Nursing is about having the innate desire to want to help other people in a time of need. I choose nursing because I want to dedicate my life to helping people. I love working hard to make a difference, and what better way to do it than to help people who truly need it? When your hard work is paying off in such a rewarding way, it is the most amazing, selfless experience you will ever get. It is a privilege and honor to know that I will have the power to heal someone and be by their side helping them through their vulnerable moments. Nurses have such an intimate relationship with their patients and this interaction is absolutely beautiful and inspiring at times. There is much joy to be derived from making a patient smile after helping them get through difficult times and experiences in their life. You are not only helping the patients, but you are also helping their family and friends. It is important to help the people that care about your patient because they are confused and worried too. Sometimes it is even harder for them. Nurses have such a huge impact on the lives of other people. Our patients and their families rely on us way more than we think. I am ready to make a difference. By being compassionate and helping others in need, we can learn to pay it forward.

I want to help light up someone's life when everything might seem dark. Nursing is not just a job; it is a career that allows you to meet people who need you. I am in love with this profession, and when I realized that, I knew I had found my calling. I could not imagine my life any other way, and no matter what, I will always choose nursing.


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