Thursday 19 July 2018

Question Of The Day, Basic Psychosocial Needs
Q. The health care provider at a prenatal clinic has ordered multivitamins for a woman who is 3 months' pregnant. The client calls the nurse to report that she has gone to the pharmacy to fill her prescription but is unable to buy it as it costs too much. The nurse should refer the client to:

A. The charge nurse.
B. The hospital finance office.
C. Her hospital social worker.
D. Her insurance company.

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: The social worker is available to assist the client in finding services within the community to meet client needs. This individual is able to provide the names of pharmacies within the community that offer generic substitutes or others that utilize the client's insurance plan. The charge nurse of the unit would be able to refer the client to the social worker. The hospital finance office does not handle this type of situation and would refer the client back to the unit. The client's insurance company deals with payments for health care and would refer the client back to the local setting.


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