Saturday 20 October 2018

Q. The family of an older adult wants their mother to have counseling for depression. During the initial nursing assessment, the client denies the need for counseling. Which of the following comments by the client supports the fact that the client may not need counseling?

A. "My doctor just put me on an antidepressant, and I'll be fine in a week or so."
B. "My daughter sent me here. She's mad because I don't have the energy to take care of my grandkids."
C. "Since I've gotten over the death of my husband, I've had more energy and been more active than before he died."
D. "My son got worried because I made this silly comment about wanting to be with my husband in heaven."

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Resolving grief and having increased energy and activity convey good mental health, indicating that counseling is not necessary at this time. Taking an antidepressant or having less energy and involvement with grandchildren reflects possible depression and the need for counseling. Wanting to be with her dead husband suggests possible suicidal ideation that warrants serious further assessment and counseling.


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