Wednesday 2 October 2019

Question Of The Day, Respiratory Disorders
Q. Which of the following alert the nurse to possible internal bleeding in a client who has undergone pulmonary lobectomy 2 days ago?

A. Increased blood pressure and decreased pulse and respiratory rates.
B. Sanguineous drainage from the chest tube at a rate of 50 ml/hour during the past 3 hours.
C. Restlessness and shortness of breath.
D. Urine output of 180 ml during the past 3 hours.

Correct Answer: C

Explanation: Restlessness indicates cerebral hypoxia due to decreased circulating volume. Shortness of breath occurs because blood collecting in the pleural space faster than suction can remove it prevents the lung from reexpanding. Increased blood pressure and decreased pulse and respiratory rates are classic late signs of increased intracranial pressure. Decreasing blood pressure and increasing pulse and respiratory rates occur with hypovolemic shock. Sanguineous drainage that changes to serosanguineous drainage at a rate less than 100 ml/hour is normal in the early postoperative period. Urine output of 180 ml over the past 3 hours indicates normal kidney perfusion.


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