Thursday 24 September 2020

When caring for a client after a closed renal biopsy, the nurse should?

A. Maintain the client on strict bed rest in a supine position for 6 hours.

B. Insert an indwelling catheter to monitor urine output.

C. Apply a sandbag to the biopsy site to prevent bleeding.

D. Administer I.V. opioid medications to promote comfort.

Correct Answer: A

Reason: After a renal biopsy, the client is maintained on strict bed rest in a supine position for at least 6 hours to prevent bleeding. If no bleeding occurs, the client typically resumes general activity after 24 hours. Urine output is monitored, but an indwelling catheter is not typically inserted. A pressure dressing is applied over the site, but a sandbag is not necessary. Opioids to control pain would not be anticipated; local discomfort at the biopsy site can be controlled with analgesics.


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