Associate Degree in Nursing is the minimum education requirement for the RN license examination. This is typically a two-year program that is offered at community colleges and a few universities.

The Associate Degree in Nursing is designed as a quicker option for students seeking to enter the nursing profession than the traditional four-year BSN program. The AND program is a two-year full-time study program which can also be completed in the three to three and a half years of part-time study. Students who have not completed the required preparatory courses will also take longer than the standard 2 years. This education can easily be transferred to a Baccalaureate program (usually called an RN to BSN program).

Admission Requirements

A high school diploma or equivalent is the primary requirement for most ADN program. Most programs will require you to have completed background work in algebra, statistics, physiology, nutrition, microbiology and chemistry before enrollment. Entrance to most accredited ADN programs also requires pre-entrance examinations like the COMPASS and TEAS as well as health assessment, criminal background check and appropriate level of CPR certification. Some program may ask applicants to show proof of completed Certified Nursing Assistant Training.


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