Monday 3 October 2016

Question Of The Day: Antepartum Period
Q. A multigravid client in labor at 38 weeks' gestation has been diagnosed with Rh sensitization and probable fetal hydrops and anemia. When the nurse observes the fetal heart rate pattern on the monitor, which of the following patterns is most likely?

A. Early deceleration pattern.
B. Sinusoidal pattern.
C. Variable deceleration pattern.
D. Late deceleration pattern.

Correct Answer: B

Explanation: The fetal heart rate of a multipara diagnosed with Rh sensitization and probable fetal hydrops and anemia will most likely demonstrate a sinusoidal pattern that resembles a sine wave. It has been hypothesized that this pattern reflects an absence of autonomic nervous control over the fetal heart rate resulting from severe hypoxia. This client will most likely require a cesarean delivery to improve the fetal outcome. Early decelerations are associated with head compression; variable decelerations are associated with cord compression; and late decelerations are associated with poor placental perfusion.


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